Chris Kershaw, wood worker par excellence has made us a beautiful new front door. The only problem with this is that all the other doors in the Hothouse now look vile.
These three are extraordinary in their miss-matched, ad hoc way. Why is one much higher than the others? Why do they appear to be made of wood as pathetic as egg boxes.Why did someone stick pattened plastic onto the glazed one after getting paint all over the glass first?
The choice was to start again, throw them all out, and buy/fit new ones. Or sand them all properly and apply a lovely time cosuming coat or two of cream satin, or . . .have a bit of silly bodging fun.
Went for the latter, having little time, and even less patience.
Cheap, P.Mat status, very good. Only the cost of half a tin of paint and a few squirts of acrylic colour, bit of sandpaper and some elbow grease. Three less doors at the tip.
where are the photos of the new front door please